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Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) Policy Statement

Statement from Nana K. Aboagye Asenso-Okyere, Nyna Oil Limited Chief Executive Officer


Nyna Oil Limited is committed to managing the integrity of its operations and business activities in a responsible manner with due consideration to the health, safety and security of our staff, our other stakeholders and the environment in which we conduct our business. We strive to create a good working environment for our employees, contractors and for the communities in which we operate. We are committed to the HSSE goals of:

•           Avoiding harm to all personnel involved in, or affected by, our operations

•           Preventing pollution and minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment

•           Complying with all the applicable legal and regulatory requirements where we operate

•           Achieving continuous improvement in our HSSE performance.


To meet these commitments Nyna Oil Limited will:

•           Develop and maintain management systems and processes to identify, manage, document and monitor HSSE risks and ensure compliance with the regulations and applicable standards of the oil industry in Ghana.

•           Set objectives and targets which promote a proactive HSSE culture throughout the organization and continual improvement in HSSE performance

•           Ensure that the requirements of our HSSE Policy and accountabilities for implementation under our HSSE management systems are communicated, understood and followed.

•           Enhance HSSE visibility and awareness and provide appropriate training to staff to ensure HSSE competence is maintained and where appropriate developed

•           Engage with our suppliers, consultants and contractors to ensure that they understand our HSSE expectations and maintain appropriate HSSE standards

•           Include HSSE performance objectives in employee and contractor evaluations, rewards and recognition

•           Ensure HSSE risks are identified, evaluated, recorded and mitigated through the design and operation of facilities and the planning and implementation of activities

•           Maintain a safe place and systems of work, free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause injury, illness or damage to the environment

•           Maintain asset integrity through the application of appropriate maintenance, inspection and operations procedures

•           Ensure any risks introduced through changes to facilities, equipment, procedures or organization are assessed and managed

•           Maintain emergency response procedures and resources in place and regularly test to reduce the impact of any incident or emergency situation

•           Monitor, measure, assess, correct and report on HSSE performance on a regular basis

•           Promote a culture where all incidents and near misses are openly reported and investigated, take corrective actions and verify the effectiveness of the actions taken

•           Periodically audit compliance and review the suitability and effectiveness of this policy, our management systems, targets and objectives


The responsibility for compliance with this policy lies with the Chief Executive Officer. It is also the responsibility of individuals to take ownership and responsibility for the quality of their own work. Nyna Oil Limited will implement this policy throughout the entire company and conduct periodic and project specific audits and reviews to verify compliance and promote improvements.







Nana Kwame Aboagye Asenso-Okyere

Chief Executive Officer

Nyna Oil Limited

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